4 signs to help you in planning the wedding

There are four tell-tale signs that can serve as white flags waving wildly to let you know you need help with wedding planning.

The Clock Is Ticking: Do You Have the Time?

You know you want to do more than show up at the judge’s office, license in hand, but do you have time to plan and create the event you envision? Do you have all of the resources at your disposal, or do you need to start researching? Do you have the time to plan the event you want to enjoy? Would a professional wedding planner be the right person to call? Read further http://www.loc.gov/rr/business/wedding/

What’s Your Style: Delegator or Micromanager?

Are you willing to allow an event planner to do the investigative legwork to line up suppliers for your celebration, or must you personally involve yourself in each phone call? Can you take the time required to make each contact personally to get details on the different venues you’d like to consider for your reception? Do you know the person who knows the musicians at the church of your choice? Have you selected the music for each part of the formal ceremony, or have you been more focused on the playlist your DJ will be using at the reception? Are you a micromanager or a delegator?

4 signs to help you in planning the wedding

Who Do You Trust?

If you’re a delegator, with whom can you share the load? If you’re already very familiar with the providers of various goods and services that you plan to use, a brief phone call may be all that’s needed. If you’re establishing a relationship with that all-important pianist or baker, some ground work will need to be laid. For those soon-to-be-newlyweds with wide-reaching family networks, a family meeting may provide most of your necessary referrals and connections to the providers of goods and services you’ll be using. Collaborate with your loved ones; they’re on your side and are probably more than willing to help you.

Intimate and Manageable or Too Big to Handle?

A smaller, more intimate event may be your preference as you begin your marriage in a simpler setting. If you envision a large dinner dance for the 500 close friends and family members that attended your ceremony, a wedding planner would probably be a good choice to consider early on in the planning stages of your event. Their services are invaluable as you allow them to take charge of the choices you’ve explained. Click here to read more information about services of event planner.They know your wishes and carry them out as they bring your plans to life. They will collaborate with you, bringing with them their expertise in supply and venue selection and management. They will also be able to identify the best sources for your specific needs, identifying solutions to challenges you’ve encountered. If you have made definite choices about colors or menus, clearly explain these so that your professional can plan accordingly.

Your plans deserve the attention of a professional event planner. Will that be you or a carefully chosen assistant?